Tree Drawing Analysis


Alternative Subconscious Communication with Art Therapy

Drawing a tree with color is an excellent way to develop an understanding of the inner mind, because the subconscious will automatically create the symbols and meaning that the inner mind understands and show it in the form of the tree.

This technique will help understand the subconscious by learning that language and interpreting it for communication with that inner mind.


I became fascinated by Tree Drawing Interpretation in graduate school and, early on saw the positive implications. Later, when I was lead therapist for six psychiatrists at an in-patient treatment center, I was allowed by my Clinical Director, Dr. Stuart Phelps, to work with the Art Therapist one morning per week. During that time, I perfected tree drawing interpretation.

She gifted me with a book that has since been a clue to those who would love to take my instruction, water it down, and mis-use it. The Art Therapist gave me the book to show a simple technique of incorporating it but also said, "I hope you can recognize that she ventures far away from the proven formulas". "Always stick to the therapeutically proven formulas and tree drawing will never fail you."

I spent two years writing an instructional book and my husband spent another year with graphics, formatting, and putting it all together. The book has true stories and is about people's lives. The tree drawing is a blueprint to their subconscious and cuts through many interview sessions to glean the truth from the subconscious.

I taught the course on the Queen Mary at a National Convention. I asked the participants to recognize that it was part of my teaching to the world and to use it, but not try to teach it because it was only a four hour seminar. I also mentioned the name of the book and told the story of the art therapist who gave it to me in that class. I left out the part about the art therapist saying the reason the book did not make it for the long run was: the author added her own interpretations that were not backed up by reliability testing and the book did not have the stamp of traditional psychology approval because of it.

You guessed it! A man who professed to be licensed psychologist in Texas came with another group from Texas to this seminar. He took my seminar and got the instructional book. Later, he started teaching for a woman who had weekend seminars in Texas still calling himself a licensed psychologist in Texas.

He turns up at the National Guild of Hypnosis with a sales table and HIS BOOK is sold at his table. I bought it and the majority of it is MY BOOK straight from a XEROX machine. It must have taken him two hours to copy three years of work.

End result: We hired an attorney who checked this man out. No license in psychology in Texas or anywhere. He and I came to an agreement and he stopped selling the book. By the way, he had added what could only be HIS OWN WILD INTERPRETATIONS in the small part that he added.

Others are proposing the book that I mentioned in my first talk (the one the art therapist told me was a good idea, but didn't make it because the woman used incorrect information). They also reference that they went to the man who professed to be a licensed psychologist, but was not licensed in anything ever.

So, on this site I will share people's actual tree drawings, their stories, and the interpretations. I will do this in a manner that is verifiable, authentic and reliable. It will show the validity and therapeutic benefits of this technique.

You will also have the opportunity to have your own tree drawing interpreted along with the forensic graphology interpretation of your own handwriting analysis.

Both of these analyses coupled together will give you powerful information about yourself, your goals and personality.

Remember, the interpretation needs to be done in the correct form, using these valid techniques in order to be truthful information.

View the following tree drawings and their interpretation.

Not so festive tree Drawing interpreted

Drawings interpreted from one family's children

Oldest – age 10's Tree drawings

Middle Child – age 7's Tree drawings

Youngest – age 2's Tree drawings

Order your own: Personal Tree Drawing Interpretation / Analysis

by Cheryl W. Martin

Call Cheryl for details. call 205 322 7284

Cheryl W. Martin, Author

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2400 Augusta Drive, Suite 372
Houston, Texas 77057
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